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xvn THE SEED FOR AX Hn\u* ..
of Nations, on the precedei/ <«f •; whatever instrument iiltiim* 'v   •, mutually entered Into beu*«- 4\,   : Government s.^
Such a policy., had it b<.        ' r • was over, would almost i«rt :* \ by the majority even of i\    \ ** in  Egypt.   Much,  howev< r,   '   -and Egyptians have beco'v* "complete   independence." they may no longer believt Lj * -    . * not yet been carried away 1 y   *,    A . ' j   w those who have a stake in tl     o    *  . experience in the conduct of j -" \      *I    * -it.    Others have  suc4eiim" jc 1  to  r   :    v have never met it by rT:y tx-1"    *   -                 -   .-
legitimate grievances an«l mt«"  r   * It is not too late yet to rJJy v   ^   : »r    ;   «   j ances, but by telling them ^hci* n\r ;« I  ;;   * means, and how we intend to c^iry it r /.    1>   \   \.    : • those who first raised the cry of " v ** Tn^ * :*   " 1 • and who still seek to impose it P-   ..i   .rl I     : ;   %v   " faith, there are probably IKK a few T/I i -     . I :,   .  .-the cost of barren resistance a^ scx)n ^- *L \ r    .-  * w we had spoken our last word, if o~Ly ::.*"*   r "  * r   -    -ably generous and conveys a f ulfibi:. r t L f ^: or" 4 - - * we are abeady pledged up to tht LI':. i\ . ;: r  1   - *. old ring of sincerity which in the t .ill r   * *; -    :      : veiled Protectorate converted Z^gllul liv-  i   ' - c: -r quondam followers of Arabi •• th? Ei^~| :I :. * :o * ;.*- f :: British honesty of purpose.   We ^i\ Ir 1.0 *.' -y * o"\ i t yield to the vehement clamour of :*..    E,r~y: i.-  f^r ci complete independence/' for we arc f:\?, :ii. i 1 ;*T. :. -right, to judge that issue on its merits au1 to rtjr*.: ,: as too dangerous a leap in the dark for t1 C-P: :? ^:I.  .-for us and for the peace of the whole Eo*t m \ ;«-"l We are not free, and we have not the right, to r*.*-i-* .1 • ^ a   large   and  progressive   measure   of  self-gevcnan it, /our willingness to communicate to the Lea|                            x ior self-government.    But we are pledged to                                    *andfor the protection of their